Nottingham Centre for Photography and Social Engagement 

Statement COVID -19 Week 1

Hi !

The World Health Organization had an important update this week. It altered the term “social distancing” to “physical distancing”. Now roughly a quarter of humanity is now on some form of lockdown and this increases by the week.

For us, it means we must find ways to add sparkle to our online socialising. We don’t what the future holds in store, or what kind of haircut will emerge from the months of isolation, but what is becoming clear that everyday acts of kindness and social solidarity is so important. 

Off Centre will be running five different online social events on a regular basis (listed below), and we will continue to send you a weekly information newsletter to keep you inspired and working. 
Key messages from Off CentreStay at home – do not endanger yourself or members of your community by leaving home unless urgent and unavoidable. If you must leave home, stay at least 2m away from other people. If you think you have symptoms – a persistent, new, continuous cough and a fever – check the NHS website.Seek help with finances – We know most photographers will have had work cancelled, and projects put on hold, and with most government help not actually coming on streamline next month, we will all be struggling. If you need help read the information below, or email us and we can try point you in the right direction.Continue to create, exercise and engage – This is time for physical isolation, but not social isolation, continue to create, and look after yourself. We are running a series of online events so keep in contact. Help others - Yes, don’t put yourself or others at risk, but remember to also help to break the isolation of others. For some people, like older people who may live alone and those suffering from mental health issues and/or trauma, the climate of fear and collective doom will just reinforce their social isolation and anxiety. If you cook a meal, just drop off some food, or do a chore, it’s a time to connect, albeit safely.Share the burden –  Your social activism should continue to promote and demonstrate equality. Notably, but not exclusively, women are likely to find themselves obliged to take on an even more substantial burden of domestic and childcare duties during periods of confinement. We must respond to ensure that women (our relatives, friends and comrades) are not placed in this invidious situation but share the work with them equally and based on need.
Off Centre online events over coming weeks 

Image © analog_limoncella

Dan’s Parlour Games: Every Saturday at 11am
Dan Wheeler is hosting a weekly online class to inspire you all to make more work in confined spaces. These are taking place every Saturday at 11 am – just follow the link at the Photo Parlour Instagram page here
Tasty Tuesday Photo Club: Every Tuesday at 2 pm (for Taster Tuesday member-only) 
We have been working with people facing food poverty with collaboration with the local charity, Himmah. Although the weekly get-togethers have had to move online, the work at the Tasty Tuesday Photo Club and Himmah are continuing. Due to safeguarding issues, the session is not open to the general public, but if you wish to join in please contact Jagdish directly on
You can see the work of Himmah during this crisis on Channel 4 news here.  If you have spare cash, you can make a donation here  

Scrambles online get together 

The Scrambles group are meeting every Thursday online.  If you wish to take part please contact Alyn Mulholland at at or Jagdish at

© Honey Williams

The Sisterhood Creative Zine Workshop

The Sisterhood Creative is opening up online submissions from their latest zine-making workshop that took place on International Women’s Day. During the workshop, we made collages, drawings, shared photographs and shared women who inspire us. The submissions can be any creative form, from poetry and photography through to painting and drawing - scan or send us your files to Leah or Bridie at

Online Photo Social
Wednesday 1st April 2.30pm to 3pm
Seeking help with your finances Q and A with an accountant Steve McKenna, TaxAssist accountants  

Join Zoom Meeting

We know these are worrying times for you all. We have arranged for a free online session with Steve McKenna, from Tax Assist Accountants in Sherwood. TaxAssist Accountants provides friendly and professional accountancy and tax service for small businesses in Nottingham. Steve has over 20 years of working experience that includes running his own family business, managing at a senior executive level in a major leisure organisation and of course, having a passion for 'the numbers'. He lives locally, and as QPR supporter, he faces anguish on a regular basis. 

We would prefer you to send any questions in advance so that we can address as many issues with similar themes together. Can you please email us at OffCentre or Jagdish directly at by Tuesday 31st March, 5pm

Some useful links 
Format has announced a new fund to help photographers impacted by COVID-19
The Artist General Benevolent Fund (Artists)
The Axisweb Hardship Fund our members. In light of the uncertainty artists face due to the coronavirus pandemic, we have introduced a fund to help our members facing significant financial hardship and who are unable to work, disabled, a carer, on low income or freelance. “Any member experiencing financial hardship is eligible to apply. We won’t ask you to explain why, but please apply only if you need the money. This is for members that are facing significant financial hardship and who are unable to work, disabled, a carer, on low income or freelance. In this first phase we are making a fund of £5,000 available. We are thinking of 50 x £100 awards decided on a lottery basis (this is how we have run a similar initiative in the past). Any member in receipt of this award won’t have to repay any money.”
The Eaton Fund Grants are restricted to artists and students working in the visual arts fields, including painting, sculpture, ceramics, print-making, photography, and video installations. We do not give grants for the performing arts. Only make grants to artists or art students who live or study in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.
East Midlands Artists Corona Virus Impact Fund Rafia H supported by In Good Company @rafiaproduces “looking to raise £2000 and distribute £200 to 10  people on a first come first served basis. If you need to access this fund because you have been affected by loss of income due to COVID-19 then please do get in touch. It can be for rent, childcare, groceries etc – there will be no questions asked. “
Disability Arts have announced new commissions for disabled artists
The Arts Council have announced emergency measures and a £160m funding package including:£90 million available to NPOs to ‘reboot their creative work, but we also understand it may be required to alleviate financial pressures on NPOs’. In addition, this round of NPO funding will continue until 2023, with the next round of applications opening in 2022 (originally scheduled to open autumn 2021)£50 million available to organisations that are not in receipt of regular funding from Arts Council England. Organisations who have applied to National Lottery Project Grants are welcome to apply for this support.£20 million of financial support available to individuals to sustain themselves, and their work, in the coming months. Local writer, François Matarasso, has written a thoughtful blog post about the recent Arts Council announcement, and you can read that here.
Many of you are thinking about working more online. Eventbrite has some useful tips on how to host an online event or webinar, and you can this here.