This series of images is from my ongoing documentary project 'maybe if you understood' which includes images I took on a day-to-day basis of my younger sister, aged 15, who has high-functioning autism. The images showcase many aspects of her life such as her online schooling, her extensive collection of teddies, her relationship with the family pets, a blue tin box which the family has to keep medication and razors in as she often has low mood days, encouraging suicidal tendencies. The aim of the project was to show people the up sides as well as down sides of the autistic spectrum as it is a common assumption that autism is a taboo subject that people avoid discussing due to the preconceived negative connotations. As a practitioner, I really enjoy exploring marginalised communities and social issues within my work. In the past I have delved into mental health within my work further alongside gender. I am also currently working on a project which explores the decline of the traditional nuclear family. I would love to develop all of these projects on a larger scale, being able to photograph these social issues in more detail.
Venue- New Art Exchange
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