Kev graduated from Nottingham Trent University achieving a high 2:1 in Photography. His interests are centered around the human condition and how it is affected in today's contemporary society. In extremely poor rural areas, extreme poverty and environmental degradation are often closely linked. Pachamama Raymi's methodology empowers large scale populations to get out of poverty by producing the innovations for natural resource management and better preventive health practices in a timescale of 3 to 4 years. Working in close co-operation with the local government and using systemic social management - the methodology aims to reinforce peoples cultural identities, families and communities. This is done by peer learning, motivation and competition. The competition between families of every village and between the villages of the district typically lasts for 6 months, and around 5 to 8 competitions are needed to achieve sustainable results. Managed by rules and regulations, participants compete in the quality of the adoption of the innovations that the project seeks to introduce. At the end of the 6 month period communities come together and celebrate their achievements and substantial cash prizes are awarded. In more detail, families are encouraged to start businesses such as guinea pig and trout farming that will provide them, in the short term, a level of income which is much higher than the minimum wage. For long term income (25 to 30 years) each family must achieve afforestation which provides them with a level of prosperity. Not only does afforestation provide the local communities with long term income it also provides a sustainable natural resource for building materials and in the wider context of climate change, combat the effects of global warming. Since 2008 this methodology has helped plant over 9.7 million trees in the Peruvian Andes, Tanzania and Nepal.
Venue- New Art Exchange
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