Kashgar is the western most city in the Tarim basin of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China surrounded by mountains to the west and north and the Taklimakan desert to the east and south. It is situated close to the Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Pakistan borders. For centuries the city was a major trading post along the silk road and is still a unique blending of cultures. It has a rich and vibrant history, with ancient bazaars, alleys, houses and streets and the old city is known to be the best preserved example of a traditional Islamic architecture to be found anywhere in Central Asia. The city and surrounding area is populated mainly by Uyghurs who are the descendants of ancient Turkic tribes and Caucasian inhabitants of Tarim basin. It is a great shame, and loss to world heritage, that City of Kashgar, the ancient trading post of the Silk Route, is being systematically erased off the map by the Chinese government. In 2009 work began to redevelop the majority of the Old City of Kashgar and construct new buildings in its place. With this selection of images I hope to illustrate wealth of culture contained in this amazing place and the tradition of the vibrant livestock market. These images aspire to promote the need to retain Kashgar as it is today before it is lost forever. I am a passionate photographer who focuses on documentary and street photography creating images with stories to tell.
Venue- New Art Exchange
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