The Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub is a collection of projects which people through interconnected arts and health-based programs. These include projects which help people create personal work about their lived experience, socially engage creative workshops with tackle wellbeing, confidence building, loneliness and other issues. We also support others working in arts and health fields, through events, exhibitions and production of work.
We also host a monthly meet for the Scrambles group. Scrambles is a photography group and supportive network for people experiencing mental ill-health. The group meets monthly to arrange photoshoots, photography projects and to show and discuss their photographs.

The monthly meet-ups enable people to share work, ideas, and pool resources to further develop their creative practice by organising trips, learning projects or other events. Scrambles is a peer support platform for people from all backgrounds, experiences and stages in their practice. However, it a shared safe space, and run voluntarily by the members. This means it works best when people come both to share but also to help. Hence, a commitment to help, work collaboratively and collectively to lift one another up is important. If you are interested, please email
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