King's Meadow Nature Reserve is nestled within Queen’s Drive Industrial Estate and is a haven for flora and fauna in Nottingham. Spanning just one acre, the reserve was established in 1992 when sections of fertile turf were transplanted from the former site of the Wilford Power Station. The site is particularly important for the orchids and other wildflowers that continue to thrive there. With wildflower meadows rapidly vanishing from the British landscape, these small reserves are growing in significance. In the UK, it is estimated that 97% of the UK’s grasslands and meadows have been lost since the 1930s. Informed by E.O. Wilson’s book Half Earth, in which he proposes that 50% of the Earth’s land mass is given protected status, King’s Meadow seeks to explore the impact of urban nature reserves. As agriculture and development continue to encroach on the natural world, tension will rise in the decades to come. With a prime location in Queen’s Drive Industrial Estate, King’s Meadow will undoubtedly face pressure from developers in the coming years. As I learn more about the history of the reserve, the project grows. My next steps are to pinpoint and revisit the former site of the King’s Meadow turf, and consult local archives to find out more about its past. I will also consult the Nottingham Wildlife Trust — the current managers of the site — to uncover their plans for the reserve in the years to come.
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